Contract HR talent can add that critical resource to your business when you need it, whether it’s covering leave, special projects, change and transformation, or simply filling that critical people need whilst you take time to source the right full-time candidate. At Ruby we know that timing is everything when it comes to contract resource, that’s why I am relentless in my candidate sourcing, networking, and communications when it comes to who is in the market, when, and with the desired skills. We offer a wide range of fixed term contractor talent who can be on board and up to speed when it suits you.
For many candidates contracting is a career choice that often fits lifestyle or family needs, for others it is simply that unique opportunity to take on a challenge, develop new skills, or fill that gap whilst searching for that perfect permanent role. The benefits can be many, upskilling, flexibility, and experiencing new industries, sectors and cultures. Whatever you plan or ambitions at Ruby I’ll take the time to find out what’s right for you.